Book Sale Report

Greetings friends

The final totals are in and the deposit had been made. Our book sale brought in a total of $528! That is a great total considering that our sale was one day shorter due to the Good Friday holiday.

Our next meeting will be on May 11th at 6:30 pm at the library. This meeting will serve as our twice yearly general meeting. At the meeting we will be discussing donations to the summer reading program and Baby’s Bookshelf as well as some new changes and options available on our website. We do have a couple of board positions that are open and we would like to fill those at that time. The board meets on the second Thursday of odd numbered months, so it is not a large time commitment for anyone.

Thank you all for your support of the library through your commitment to the Friends of the Library. I hope to see many of you at the next meeting.

Have a great day!





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