Category: Meetings

  • Position Opening

    The Friends of the Library Board is currently looking for someone to fill the position of Secretary. If you would be interested please contact me ( to discuss the responsibilities. The board currently meets on the second Thursday of odd numbered months at 6:30 pm but we are looking at alternative times and days to…

  • January Board Meeting

    Good Morning Friends! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Our board meeting will be on Thursday, January 9th at 6:30 pm in the library annex. Officer appointments for the next year will be on the agenda. It is important for you to notify me if you are interested in a position even if…

  • November Friends Meeting

    Hello Friends! Our General Membership meeting will be held on Thursday, November 14th at 6:30 pm. At this time we will meet in the library annex (where the escape room was).  We will have a report on the recent book sale as well as appointing  board members who will serve for the next year.  If…

  • Book Sale update

    What a great Book Sale!  Our Fall Book Sale surpassed all  our expectations. I can’t wait for our General membership meeting on November 14th at 6:30 to give everyone the details. Mark your calendars now and plan to join us. This meeting is also important for anyone wanting to serve on the Friends Board for…

  • July Meeting Cancelled

    Hello everyone,  With the busyness of summer and the fact that we have no  business to discuss, I am cancelling the July board meeting. We will meet again on September 12th where we will discuss the next book sale and get a report on the Summer Reading program. Have a great remainder of the summer.…

  • Spring Membership meeting

    Hello Everyone! Our Spring Membership meeting will be on Thursday, May 9th at 6:30 pm. All members are invited and encouraged to attend. This is a great time to find out everything that is happening with the Friends and the library in general. We will have a report on our recent book sale as well…

  • Bi-annual Friends Meeting

    Greetings Friends I want to thank everyone who helped set up, work at the book sale, or visited. We had a very good week. Our next meeting will be November 8th at 6:30 pm. This is our bi-annual meeting and is open to all Friends members. At that time we will have a report on…

  • September Board Meeting

    Having taken the summer off, we will have our next board meeting on Thursday, September 13th at 6:30 pm. If you are interested in serving on the board or just want to know more about what is happening at the library and within the Friends, we invite you to attend.

  • No friends meeting in July

    Hello Friends, It has been awhile since you have heard from me and I am sorry for that. To be honest there has not been much going on in the “Friends” world. There will be no board meeting this month.  Our next meeting will be September 13th. We will discuss the Fall Book Sale at…

  • Friends Meeting – May 2018

    Greetings Friends, Welcome to our new members and congratulations to those who won prizes in our membership drive. Our May meeting will be held on Thursday, May 10 at 6:30 pm. All members are invited and encouraged to attend. We will be reviewing the Book Sale as well as discussing our contribution to the summer…