Fall Book Sale

Greetings Everyone!

It is that time again….FALL BOOK SALE

Here are the details

  • 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Monday, October 22 then normal library hours through Friday, October 26. Cookies and punch will be served on Monday.
  • All items are $1.00 with the exception of paperbacks they will be .50.

Please note: There will no longer be a 1/2 price day and $1.00 bag day has been moved to Friday.


Volunteers are needed throughout the sale. We typically staff the sale each evening from 6-8 but if you could work other hours through the week your Friends board as well as Library staff would be very appreciative!!


We have also joined with Better World Books to liquidate some of the remaining books after the sale. We will receive 10% back on each book they resale through their online book store.

Volunteers may be needed at various times to scan and pack books for shipping. Please remember to renew your memberships during the book sale if you have not already done so in 2018.


Thank you for choosing to be a Friend of Liberal Memorial Library.

See you at the Sale

Sheila Wells





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